Tag Tax CPA

Tax Tools

Your Path to
Financial Clarity

Navigating the intricate world of taxes requires the right resources at your fingertips. At Terri A. Goleno, CPA, we are dedicated to providing you with a suite of tax tools designed to empower you with knowledge, simplify complex tax matters, and help you make informed financial decisions. Explore our tax tools, including tax rates, retention guides, and financial tools:

Tax Rates

Understanding tax rates is fundamental to managing your finances effectively. Our tax rates tool provides you with up-to-date information on federal, state, and local tax rates. Whether you need to know income tax rates, capital gains rates, or estate tax rates, our tool ensures you have access to the latest rates that apply to your specific situation. Stay informed and plan your financial decisions accordingly.

Retention Guides

Properly retaining financial records is essential for tax compliance, financial planning, and peace of mind. Our retention guides provide you with guidance on how long to retain various types of financial documents. From tax returns and receipts to bank statements and investment records, our retention guides help you declutter your financial life while ensuring you keep the records you need for tax and financial purposes.

Financial Tools

Our financial tools are designed to simplify complex financial calculations and provide you with valuable insights. Whether you’re planning for retirement, saving for education, or evaluating your mortgage options, our financial tools can assist you in making sound financial decisions. These interactive tools are user-friendly and offer quick calculations, helping you assess different scenarios and plan for your financial future with confidence.

How to Use
Our Tax Tools


Navigate our tax tools section to find the specific tool you need, whether it’s tax rates, retention guides, or financial tools.

Select Your Category

Choose the relevant category or topic within each tool, such as federal income tax rates, document retention periods, or retirement savings calculators.

Use the Tool

Interact with the tool by entering your information or preferences. The tools will provide you with instant results and insights.

Plan and Strategize

Armed with the information from our tax tools, you can now plan and strategize your financial decisions, whether it’s tax planning, document organization, or financial goal setting.

Contact Us

If you have specific questions or need personalized guidance based on the results from our tax tools, don’t hesitate to reach out to our experienced team of tax professionals. We’re here to provide expert advice and support.

At Terri A. Goleno, CPA, our tax tools are an extension of our commitment to your financial success.

We believe that informed decisions are the best decisions. Explore our tax tools, stay informed about tax rates, document retention, and financial planning, and reach out to us whenever you need assistance. We look forward to helping you achieve financial clarity and peace of mind.
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If you would like to set up a portal, or if you forgot your password, please call Vicky Edwards at 863-688-0882 or email her at vicky@tagtaxcpa.com.